New Thing #230: Fried Green Tomatoes

Fried_Green_TomatoesIf you're like me, when you hear the term 'fried green tomatoes', you think of a movie starring Jessica Tandy and Mary Stuart Masterson. If you're like me, you've never seen that movie.

And if you're like me, you've never eaten fried green tomatoes.

Until last week.

This is another of my wife's new twists in the kitchen.

We got some green tomatoes in our farm share box, and she figured, "Why not fry them up?"

There is a definitive taste to the green tomatoes - I suppose it's a tartness, but I'm not sure that description accurately captures the taste. The fried aspect of it, obviously, helps dilute that tartness some.

It's interesting, though - it's kind of like apples. Red apples, like red tomatoes, are kind of just the default taste of those respective foods. Then the green ones have a bit more tartness to them.

Unlike with apples, though, where I usually prefer a Granny Smith to a red - though the sample size is small with green tomatoes, I'm a bigger fan of red than green.

Then again, I've only had fried with the green variety.

Maybe next time we should fry up some red tomatoes.

That will really put them over the top.