1000 Strength Workouts

One of the things I like about Peloton is the fact that it keeps your stats.

It probably can keep better stats than I rely on it for (I use my watch for the exercise stats that I don’t really understand), but all I mean is it keeps track of the number of workouts you do in each category.

And to be honest, I don’t pay a ton of attention to the milestones - there has actually been more than one occasion where I missed a milestone because I just wasn’t paying attention. (And I also take issue with ‘Walk + Runs’ going in the ‘Walks’ category even though most of them are more runs than walks. But that’s OK. That’s why I don’t pay a ton of attention to them in general.)

It’s especially fun if the milestone lines up with a live class where I can get a call-out from one of the instructors.

A brief check of my social media shows that I was able to do this for my 400th run in a tread class (with Jon Hosking) and my 600th (Ben Alldis) and 800th (Kristin McGee) strength classes.

I think there might have been another one that I didn’t document…or couldn't find.

Anyway, the point is, sometimes everything lines up and I take a live class for a milestone.

This time, though, I intentionally lined up the live class to celebrate my milestone.

It’s the first time I’ve reached 1,000 in any of the categories.

100 is a big deal with Peloton - when you hit 100 in a class, they send you a t-shirt for the Century Club. (I assume they still do this - they did it 4 years ago, anyway.) (Wow, it would be cool if I get a t-shirt for 1,000. Although I think Kathy has hit this milestone and I think I’d remember if she got a shirt.)

The ‘Millennium’ workout seems to be a bigger deal than the other virtual medals they hand out (see picture above). It’s a nice round number and it’s a lot of workouts.

I was proud of myself when I hit 100 bike rides.

In the time since then, though, I’ve spent way more time running and doing strength workouts than on the bike.

So this is a neat milestone.

1,000 runs will be a big one, but that’s still probably a few years away…and I’m only just approaching 400 bike rides, so I don’t know that any other 1,000s are on the immediate horizon.

As for the 1,000th strength workout, I did not get a live callout. But it was a Callie class, and she shows all the milestones on her social media after the class, and I was able to see my name there, which was nice.

It was a good class - it was one of her strength classes set to a soundtrack from a movie she chooses - this one was ‘Shrek’, so it was fun music. Good workout. Just too much Shrek talk, not enough callouts. (And there was an in-studio group that got the majority of the shout-outs. I should have planned this better, in retrospect.)

I mentioned that when I do an in-studio class - if it’s not on my birthday - I don’t want to mess up my training by trying to force a milestone.

This experience further illustrated that point - I’d been putting off strength workouts last week so that I could line up my 1000th for a live class.

I’m glad that I got that done. I’ve been able to resume my normal workout schedule without any distractions.

It’s likely I’ll do a low-stakes line-up to do my 400th bike ride in a live class. I’ll let you know if I get a call-out for that one.