New Thing #188: Halfway To 70
Today is my birthday. (I'm the 'little guy' on the right.)
I love my birthday.
My wife thinks that's strange.
I think it's strange that she thinks it's strange.
My daughters have the right idea - they couldn't be more excited.
And I love how contagious their birthday excitement is.
To be clear - they get excited about birthdays in general.
But when it's my birthday - well, the excitement gets amped up a notch, because I play into their excitement and we really work it into a lather.
Case in point this year - For about a week I would tell the girls, "Try not to get too excited, but next Sunday [or in 2 days, or tomorrow, as the case may be] is my birthday!"
That led my daughters to come up with this idea that I would have a "miserable birthday". They told me I would have to do lots of chores, and they were going to get me an "I love the Bruins" cake. (My suspicion is that they came up with this story to cover up for something awesome that's happening later today.)
But there's no way I could have a miserable birthday. It's 7/7! That's my day!
My brother looks at this birthday as "halfway to 70". I prefer to think of it as, "Now I can run for President."
Either way, it's my birthday. I'm with my family in New York. I had a great 4th of July weekend.
My birthday is like icing on the cake.
But it'll still be nice to celebrate with some cake.