Counting The Days
OK, technically this picture illustrates counting the minutes more than counting the days, but it’s the only idea I had.
Also, it serves as a good reminder: Did you spring your clocks forward?
(Sunday Paper, Year V, Issue 10)
I don’t know about you, but I think I’ve made it clear enough that you probably know about me:
I sure am glad it’s March.
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but this year was a particularly rough January and February.
I have some suspicions as to why I was so eager for those months to be over…
But my prime suspect is the weather.
It wasn’t a particularly snowy January and February and there were hardly any events that broke up the monotony of the winter.
I know we might not be out of the winter woods…but we sure are close.
Don’t get me wrong - I don’t hate that we weren’t digging out of snow storms every other day.
But I could have used a snow day or two where the girls end up at home and we have some hot chocolate and they play in the snow and it breaks up the week a bit, you know?
As it was I felt like I was going through the motions to get through week by week.
Maybe it’s the one big drawback of working from home the way I do - with no one to talk to much of the day maybe the winter feels a little longer than it used to.
This year, as I’ve mentioned, I took reading those long books and breaking them down into chunks as the approach to making it through January (Gone With The Wind) and then most of February (Alexander Hamilton).
In the last ten days I ordered a sweatshirt (a new Mets sweatshirt for the upcoming season) to give me something to look forward to during the first week of March - it came the middle of this week, so that was fun.
I also, you may remember, grew a beard.
I was thinking about it and it’s not like this is the first time I’ve gone a little winter crazy.
Last year I started tearing apart the room that became my office.
In other years we’ve had shovel-able snow and power outages and extreme cold and maybe that helped take my mind off the fact that it wasn’t baseball season yet.
Because that’s really the light at the end of the tunnel - good ol’ baseball.
We’re close - this week features the end-of-season conference tournaments in college basketball and then we have the NCAA Tournament next week and then it’ll be Opening Day.
And, I know it sounds crazy, but I think that’s all I’m waiting for.
*I had a pretty productive week. I was waiting to hear on some work stuff, but I didn’t just sit back and not do anything while I waited, which I sometimes am apt to do. (Well, I might have let Tuesday slip by a bit.) I wrote a few pieces that I’m going to submit, and I’m aiming high. So we’ll see what happens. I feel pretty good about them, but it’s hard to predict what will resonate with people.
*I expect things to pick up a bit as we get into the spring. As it is, I have a couple of shows coming up - including the March edition of Comedy Night at Exhibit ‘A’, which sold out last week…that might be a record for earliest sell-out for one of these.
What I’ve Been Enjoying
*We were going to go to Boston and see the BU men play in a playoff game this afternoon but then on Friday night my daughter’s basketball team won their playoff game so they have another playoff game this afternoon…so we have to do that instead. Which is a pretty good trade-off. And I have to say, I rather enjoyed the playoff win.
Thoughts on Dog Ownership
*This week is Tate’s birthday. How do we celebrate our dog’s first birthday? To be determined. But it will not go unrecognized.
*Kathy was supposed to go to a conference this week in Florida, and the conference was canceled because of the coronavirus. Which is pretty wild…but also makes my upcoming week a whole lot easier.
*I hope you’re all staying healthy. I try not to get too worked up about things like this but it’s hard not to react in some way when it’s all everyone’s talking about. I think we’ll be OK. Hang in there.
*This morning was supposed to be my fantasy baseball draft with Justin, Kevin, and Dave…but due to a change in schedule we ended up having it last night. It’s something I look forward to every year and the past few years we’ve done it online via videoconference and most years I’d rather be with them in person but this year it feels like it’s in the spirit of the current virus climate.
*Don’t forget that you can follow me on Twitter for the occasional hilarious tweet or you can Like the Facebook page for the weekly Wednesday posting and to keep tabs on my writing.
*Thanks for the advice last week on the YouTubeTV and NCAA Tournament possibilities. Still need to further investigate a couple of things but I’m taking it all into consideration - thanks for weighing in.
*I don’t say it often enough but I really do appreciate the fact that you’re reading this every week. And I know I’ve been a little singularly focused on getting through these winter months and I especially appreciate that you rode that out with me. So thanks.