Stay At Home Dad Week 55 - A Little Side Project
If you’re not interested in the side project, go straight to the Notes and I’ll tell you about this picture.
(Sunday Paper, Year VI, Issue 14)
OK. Bear with me today.
I know people who read this Sunday Paper don’t necessarily love when the topic is sports.
And if you do enjoy it, well, then I have some good news for you.
So here’s the deal I’ll make you: If you’ll indulge just the slightest bit of baseball talk today, this will be pretty much it for the rest of baseball season.
Why is that?
Well, that’s what I’m going to tell you about today.
And then next week I’ll do a fun little post about how much I’m enjoying the Peloton and we’ll be back to interesting posts for everyone.
In case you don’t follow baseball closely, here’s what you need to know:
1) Baseball season started on Thursday.
2) The Mets are exciting. I think they’re going to have a good year.
3) Unfortunately, their Opening Day opponent, the Washington Nationals, had a COVID situation and the opening weekend of games got canceled.
So that’s where we’re at here on the first Sunday of the baseball season.
But before I knew about number 3 above, I was super-excited about number 1 above, and number 2 has been on my mind for a while.
So on Thursday I decided that I’d like to document this Mets season, because if it’s the special kind of season I expect that it might be, I would enjoy having a little write-up about the games and what I was thinking about the team throughout the season.
I just wrote about this a couple of weeks ago - writing about sports (baseball, mostly) is how I got started doing this blogging, and it’s something I love to do.
So, for a one-season project, I think it’ll be really fun for me. I hope you’ll enjoy it too. You can find it at this link.
I am hoping to get through the whole season, although that obviously can change depending on whether the Mets turn out to stink (or, at this rate, never play a game), whether I get distracted by MLB The Show when that comes out, or whether I lose steam, either because of the team’s performance, or because I have other stuff going on.
Because, I’ll also need to keep in mind Kathy’s warning, after I told her what I was thinking of doing: “Just don’t let it distract you from the work you’re actually getting paid to do.”
*OK. Now I’ll tell you about that picture at the top of the post. That’s me cooking Thursday’s dinner. It was supposed to be super-exciting - I was going to grill up some hot dogs for Opening Day and then at 7pm was when the Mets were supposed to play. Obviously we found out early in the day the game wasn’t going to happen, and then the weather on Thursday was cold and kind of miserable. So that’s disappointed me, grilling our dinner in a cold drizzle. BUT the girls had a great idea that we should have sausage and peppers instead of hot dogs and that was delicious, so at least the day wasn’t a total disaster.
*I’m out of Opening Day pictures so I’ll have to think of something new to post this week on Wednesday, but you can go back and see what I posted the past couple of Wednesdays if you missed them. And of course you can always Like the Facebook page to keep an eye on those Wednesday posts, and you can also follow me on Twitter here.
*Did you skip what I wrote above? You’re probably not interested, but if you want the short version of what I wrote - I’ll be writing about the Mets and baseball this season at this link. I promise I won’t overdo it with cross-promotion here…like I said - I devoted this weekend to talking about it and that should be that.
*Happy Easter, if that’s your thing. If you need me, I’ll be over here waiting anxiously for the Mets season to start. Hopefully things go off without a hitch on Monday…or as I now call it, Mets Opening Day.