Thanksgiving 2022

(Sunday Paper, Year VII, Issue 48)

I’m going to make this one quick.

I’ve kind of forgotten how I usually do this Thanksgiving weekend post.

I remember posting the turkey pic…and I could easily go back and see what I usually do but I kind of feel like taking this weekend mostly off so I’m just going to throw this quick post together and call it a weekend.

So there’s the pic of the bird…and here come the rest of the words.

I guess sometimes I tell you about Thanksgivings past…this time I’ll just tell you about Thanksgiving present.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving in New York with my family.

For various reasons, it had been a few years since we’d done Thanksgiving Day at my parents’.

Over the years I’ve come to appreciate more and more just how difficult cooking a turkey can be. I’ve never done it, and I’d honestly not given a ton of thought to it.

Which is a little selfish of me…but for my whole life others have done it - mostly, my mom. Sometimes, my aunts. More recently, Kathy or someone in her family.

Kathy really likes doing it, so as an adult I haven’t had to think about it.

And, to be honest, they all do such a nice job that I’ve never thought about how hard it is.

But, you know, there’s all those jokes about over- or under-cooking turkeys and I was thinking about that this year. I get it - I can see how that happens.

I would definitely worry I would do that. I am not the best at cooking winged animals. I tend to overthink it.

So for all of those reasons I’m especially appreciative that the Thanksgivings I’ve celebrated have always been really nicely done.

The other notable thing from my Thanksgiving weekend is that I’ve shifted to all-digital New York Times reading, which is a big adjustment for me and I’m working to figure out how to adjust my routine to accommodate that.

So that’s what I’ll be doing for the next few days.

What I’ve Been Enjoying

  • “Kid A” - Radiohead

  • “The Resistance” - Muse

  • “Will Of The People” - Muse

  • “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars” - David Bowie

  • “Beauty And The Beat” - The Go-Go’s

  • Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

  • Uncle Buck

I was a little worried that I’d fall off the pace this week because of the holiday, but I feel OK about getting to a total of 7. It’s obviously easier to do albums than movies certain days because they take less time and I don’t need to be parked in front of the TV…such was the case this week.

I guess I should also note that we listened to the 3AM version of Taylor Swift’s Midnights on the drive down to New York but I’m not counting that in the total tally because I already listened to the regular version.


*I ended up not staying in New York for the Jets so we could re-acclimate after the Thanksgiving weekend…but it’s shaping up to be an important December, so we’ll see how December shakes out.

*It’s hard to be disappointed when the team underperforms in a season that started with such low expectations….but the Jets are exceeding expectations and last week was incredibly disappointing and if they don’t right things this afternoon I’m going to be really upset which is unfortunate because the past couple of seasons were great when I didn’t get upset when the Jets lost because they flat-out stunk.

*The one thing I’ve adjusted well with so far on the digital New York Times app is the crossword and games. I wish it had cool stats about the crossword but it seems to keep track of my completed puzzles. And I’m back to doing Wordle now after giving up on it for a while when I got my new phone.

*We’re shifting into marathon training mode - last week I put together a little plan for myself for the 14 weeks until the February marathon in Wilmington. I did this week’s long run - 7-and-a-half miles - on Saturday in New York before we came back. I didn’t think I’d feel like running on Sunday morning. (It was a smart move.)

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