The Best Laid Plans...
We did check out a re-enactment on Saturday in Lexington.
(Sunday Paper, Volume III, Issue 15)
Monday in Massachusetts is Patriots' Day.
I think by now most people I know know what Patriots' Day is - it's a holiday celebrated only in Massachusetts on the third Monday in April.
There are a few things that make it distinctive: The Red Sox play a game that starts at 11:05 in the morning, it's the day the Boston Marathon is run, and there are re-enactments of the Battles of Lexington and Concord, which is pretty much what the day is celebrating in the first place. (April 19 is the anniversary of the battles.)
There are plenty of opportunities to get out and see any of these events on Monday.
And we had big plans for this year...
...but it doesn't look like those plans will happen.
I told you before about this, but I guess maybe I should remind you so you're not looking for me on the course on Monday: I am not running this year's Boston Marathon.
Nor will we be watching the race, as we did for the first time from Framingham a year ago.
If I had a bucket list, one of the items on that list would be to watch the re-enactment of the Battle of Lexington at the Lexington Green early on Monday morning.
Every year I think about doing it and then I think, "Maybe when the kids are a little bit older," and then we kick that can down the road a little bit more.
This year, the kids were old enough. The fifth grader's teacher is a re-enactor. We were going to go see her and the re-enactment.
And then we saw the weather forecast.
Unlike a ticketed event where you feel obligated to follow through on something even if the weather is less than ideal, the fact that this outdoor event taking place before the sun was up was also likely to be wet and chilly has made us re-visit our plans.
And thus, like with a good book where I am reluctant to start because my desire to savor the idea of the experience outweighs what I think will be the enjoyment of the experience, I'm putting off something I know I will love to enjoy another time.
It is something I very much want to see.
I'm confident we'll do it soon.
After all, we'll have another fifth grader in just a couple of years.
*No huge updates this week. The biggest content I put out this week wasn't necessarily writing - it was a picture about how much time I'm spending thinking about the Mets and their hot start. You can see it at the Facebook page or on my Twitter. And like/follow on those platforms. Of course you could also keep tuned in to Instagram where I'm @jsucich and I'm posting more and more fun stuff like that.
*Busy week of comedy and it went well. Started the week up in Portland, Maine, doing a longer set. (It used to be a lot of effort to do a long set like that - 15 minutes - and now I've adjusted to that like I first adjusted to doing 5 minutes, 7 minutes, and 10 minutes. It's a cool progression.) Wednesday night I was in Quincy and mixed together some different material for a set and dusted off some stuff I hadn't done in a while. That went well. I did the same thing Friday night in Dover, New Hampshire. This coming week I have nothing booked but I think I'll have the nighttime flexibility to be able to get out to a bunch of mics and shows, so it should be another good week.
What I've Been Enjoying
*It's been just a couple of months since I used this space to sing the praises of my new winter jacket. Somehow, in that short time, things changed. Drastically. The pockets of that coat just started to tear away from the coat. I didn't even use the pockets for anything other than my hands - I barely had time to put stuff in there! Anyway, this could have been a bad situation, but I tweeted at Lands' End, and they told me a return would be easy. And it was. Got my money back. So I enjoyed that this week. And thank goodness the weather is warming up. Because now I have no heavy jacket.
*Maybe this should have been in the 'Comedy' section above, but I got a couple of new shows added to the sked....that haven't been added to the actual schedule at the 'Comedy Shows' link yet. First of all, I'm hosting a show in Arlington on April 27 - it's a great show run by the multi-talented Laura Burns, who I've written about in the past. If you're one of the many people I know who live in the Belmont/Arlington/Lexington that date and come on out.
Then on Wednesday, May 15 I feel very lucky to be performing on a show here in Framingham...I'll be opening for Amy Tee, who's doing a one-woman show centering on mental health. She's super funny, and obviously she's taking on a serious subject in this show, but I guarantee it'll be a funny show...and I think an important one. The show will be at Amazing Things Arts Center. Ticket info can be found here.
*Lots of exciting things on the horizon...I told you I'm working on something in the comedy world that hopefully we'll be promoting soon, and I'm also working on some guest posts here at the Sunday Paper to mix things up a bit. Stay tuned for that.
*In case you're in the dark about the Mets, let me enlighten you: they lost Saturday night. It's never fun watching them lose...but it was just their second loss of the year. It is absurd that they lost on April 1st...and then not again until last night. It's been an incredible start. Hopefully it keeps up. And thanks for your patience with me as I get extremely excited about something so few of you care about.