Why, WiFi?

(Sunday Paper, Year VIII, Issue 8)

We had quite the Monday here.

It was going to be a busy day no matter how we sliced it, so I wanted to do my workout early, have it done before I took the girls to school, so I’d have the full time they were in school to get a couple of errands done and take a bite out of the big chunk of work I have to do.

I did a 30-minute run on the treadmill…and about 25 minutes in the connection started to go on the fritz.

The timer continued, so I was able to finish my run, but the treadmill wasn’t connecting to the internet.

No problem, I figured it was a Peloton issue and used my phone without the internet for my quick core workout.

By the time everyone was up and about, though, it appeared our WiFi was out.

And thus Monday was turned on its head.

Late last week Kathy worked a better deal with Verizon because, well, bottom line was we were paying too much.

She negotiated a new plan with them, and they sent us a new router over the weekend, with no instructions or information.

When the WiFi went out Monday morning, I thought maybe it was router-related, so I plugged the new one in.

There were calls to Verizon, including a video check-in to make sure we did everything right. (It’s two plugs. How could we possibly not have done everything right.)

They decided they needed to send someone out. Now, more than once we raised the possibility that we had some kind of new plan and was there a changeover that could affect our service. Multiple times it was insisted that they were unrelated.

Even though the WiFi went out at about 6:15am.

And at 6:17am Kathy got an email about our new Verizon arrangement.

And….wouldn’t you know it? The WiFi popped back on without warning at around 3 in the afternoon.

Now, at this point, I had gone to the library to send out an email Monday morning that couldn’t wait. The rest of my work was delayed while I did the aforementioned errands and then checked out every possible troubleshooting that could affect the WiFi.

It all worked out OK. I just couldn’t believe they wouldn’t even CONSIDER the possibility that it was more than a coincidence that our service went out at the exact moment they were shifting our service.

That’s the whole point here. Very annoying. This is less a written post and more of me venting.

Sorry about that.

In the end, the WiFi is stronger. That was part of the problem. It wasn’t reaching parts of the house, but now it’s pretty strong everywhere.

And I did get all of the work done I needed to. It was actually a pretty productive week overall.

But we’re still going to need a Verizon worker to come out.

Because now our phone isn’t working.

What I’ve Been Enjoying

I don’t know that I ever wrote about Ted Lasso here. Maybe at some point I did somewhere. But it’s worth noting again how much I enjoyed the show and now how much I’m looking forward to the new season, which they announced this week would begin on March 15. I don’t have a whole lot of time between now and then to re-watch, which I’ve been meaning to do for a couple of months now, but I would like to re-watch seasons 1 and 2 before 3 starts. There’s 22 episodes, and it wouldn’t be hard to watch 2 a day, so maybe I’ll start in early March and still be able to get them all in.


*I wrote this post early in the week, and proofreading that first line again over the weekend, it turns out we also had quite the Friday over here. Everyone is OK, I’ll leave this link here if you’re curious and don’t live around here because I don’t feel like writing about what happened right now. But needless to say, my work productivity ended on Thursday this week.

*I did my last long run - 7 miles for this week - in preparation for the Wilmington Marathon. Hard to believe we’re so close - less than a week away now! I did the run through the Newton Hills because that’s how I wrapped up the other two marathon training cycles. If it worked for Boston, I reason, it has to work for the much flatter Wilmington roads. Just a couple of runs this week and a couple of leg workout days and then it’s race day!

*I really can’t believe it’s already time for Wilmington. It always felt so far off and now here we are and March is right behind.

*And the Mets are in Florida for Spring Training. Pretty high expectations this year. It’s just so hard to get to where they got last year and they still fell short…I am trying not to get my hopes up but…well, it’s what I do.

*Should be a big week for the running Instagram. I am writing a Sunday Paper early this week and leaving it to post Sunday, so I won’t have a post about the marathon until two weeks from today…so if you’re curious about how the marathon went before then, the running Instagram will certainly let you know sooner. Well, it’ll be me, but through the Instagram. You get it.