New Thing #141: Beer At John Harvard's
Historically I haven't been much for the places that brew their own beer.
But on Saturday evening we went out to dinner at one of them - John Harvard's.
There are a few John Harvard's locations - it looks like a couple are in upstate (?) New York - but there's one here in Framingham and another in Harvard Square.
We eat there (or, more accurately, get takeout from there) quite a bit, but I haven't had a beer there in years.
I don't think I liked it.
But on Saturday I did.
I had what they call a Bushwacker IPA (pictured). My wife had the Pale Ale. Both were really good.
I think my taste in beer has changed over the years. Matured, maybe. Or maybe I just have a better idea of what I like in a beer so I'm ordering more wisely.
I love Belgian whites. I don't know if I know exactly what that means...but I think I can pick something off a menu that seems like a Belgian white.
I'm not even sure the Bushwacker is the closest thing to a Belgian white they have - but I think I also like IPAs. (I don't even know what IPA stands for.) But I wanted to try it...and then I was glad my wife was trying the Pale Ale so I could have a taste of that too.
It was such a good experience I'm kind of looking forward to going back and trying some of their other brews - they have a nice page on their website showing the types of beer they offer. (I like the looks of the Kolsch.)
They also have jugs - primarily of the Pale Ale, but I wonder if there are other choices - to take home. I'm willing to explore that as well.
It's also opened my eyes to the possibility that I'll enjoy other breweries' selections. For a long time I didn't really like the beers at Boston Beer Works. Apparently, that's a chain. And there's a brand new location opening here - Framingham Beer Works.
Stay tuned for that New Thing...because I will be trying it out.