Stay At Home Dad Week 35 - Happy Birthday Matt!
Keep reading for the context of this picture. Or don’t. Maybe it’s better if you just make up your own story.
(Sunday Paper, Year V, Issue 46)
Last week I mentioned in passing that my brother had new music coming out.
I realized I should probably throw out some more details but was trying to figure out when it would make sense to do so.
Then I realized his birthday fell on a Sunday.
So I thought this would be the perfect week to not only talk up his work a little bit more but also to wish him a happy birthday.
So Happy Birthday, Matt.
Today my little brother turns 40.
It’s a big deal - for my 40th birthday, you may remember, Kathy arranged a nice gathering at a Mets game. It was really great.
I have equally arranged for something special for Matt’s 40th birthday - it’s the equivalent of me going to a Mets game on my birthday.
I will not take him to a Mets game for his birthday.
You’re welcome, Matt.
But I do want to make sure you have the opportunity to celebrate Matt Sucich’s birthday. Go to his website, which you can access by clicking here, and listen to his music.
Follow him on social media, do the Spotify thing, listen to what he has out there…and then you can be among the first to learn when the new stuff comes out.
About the new stuff: there is a new single out right now. That’s what I told you about last week. You can find it by clicking that website link. Here it is again.
That’s part of a new album that’s coming along soon. That’s why you want to be on social media - to hear about it when it happens. (Oh! You can also sign up for a newsletter. He does a really nice job with the e-mail updates.)
I won’t spoil his news but there’s some pretty cool things going on with the album that you’re going to want to be tuned in to, I think it’s safe to say.
AND, in case you were wondering, that picture above is from a music video that will come out soon too. I don’t know anything about it other than that he texted this picture, which is amazing. So how can you not want to hear about that when it happens?
OK. Happy Birthday, Matt.
And everyone else, while it certainly helps him to get the listens on Spotify or however all of that works, it’s like you’re getting a gift for yourself by listening to his music.
*You can also check me out on social media. This is where you can follow me on Twitter, and of course, you can Like the John Sucich Facebook page at this link. I retweet Matt a lot, so you can stay tuned on what he’s doing through me, if you’d like.
*In our weekly “Here’s how we’re measuring the passage of time” update: My brother’s birthday falls smack dab in the middle of November, so that’s crazy that we’re already almost to December. But I was also thinking this week about the New York Times Super Mega Crossword….I think that bonus puzzle section comes out really close to Christmas, but color me already excited about it.
*For all the folks at home keeping track of my running progress: Last week was the 8th week of the 10 weeks of 5Ks, and the goal was to do your best 5K time. I did. Not by much, but I did meet the goal. This week’s goal, you ask? I honestly don’t know. I might be done with running for the winter and skipping the last two weeks. It’s getting cold, and I’m losing motivation, and I really feel like the ‘best time’ should have been the last one because that’s what I was working towards. So we’ll see. Maybe I’ll get it going again in the spring. Maybe I’ll just become slovenly. We’ll wait and see.
*I have not been raking as diligently as maybe I should be…but slowly but surely the leaves are getting cleaned up. The big tree I always dread losing its leaves late in the fall and into the winter has already lost a lot of leaves, which is early. So that’s good news. But if you need me for the next month you can find me in the driveway, where I’ll be doing the obsessive leaf pick-up as all the leaves blow into that space.