New Thing #250: Corn And Fruit Share
You may remember that when we re-started our farm share this year, we also decided we were going to try the corn and fruit share for the eight weeks it was being offered.
We're nearing the end of those eight weeks, so I think it's time to weigh in:
And I'll be honest...
I don't think we'll be doing it again.
The corn and fruit are fine.
We're getting about 12 ears of corn per box, and a bunch of peaches and plums and some apples.
But they're nothing extraordinary - and it's not all that much different from what we could walk up to a farm stand and get...and possibly get cheaper.
(And then there's the potential for what happened this week, when they had our regular veggie box for our pickup, but were out of the corn and fruit boxes. So I had to go back Thursday to get the corn and fruit. Which means we have a lot of corn and fruit to eat before the next box comes...not to mention the unnecessary trip back to the farm.)
It's not been all negative - I haven't had peaches in the house for a long time. And when we had some in these boxes, I was able to throw some peaches into a smoothie or two. (Also, for what it's worth - and despite the extra trouble of going back for the box a second time - my wife was quite pleased with this week's corn and fruit selection.)
But for the quality of the corn (don't get me wrong - it tastes fine - but again, it's nothing extraordinary) and since the amount of fruit we've eaten has dwindled, leaving us with more than we need....
Next year I'm pretty sure we'll just be getting the box of vegetables.