The Kids Take Over Part III
Not only does my daughter have a unique writing voice...she has a unique drawing style. That's her getting out of school in the middle, playing softball at top right, and me and her top left. I'm the one in the...yup, yellow shirt.
(Sunday Paper, Volume II, Issue 25)
In honor of Father's Day...and my birthday shortly thereafter...I'm taking a little break from the Sunday Paper.
But that doesn't mean you have to take a break from the Sunday Paper!
I'm going to leave you in good hands - not unlike Bil Keane and 'The Family Circus', I'm going to let the kids take over for me while I'm vacationing.
And some other people too...and I'll be back in July.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I'm going to.
This week, we finish up the kids' guest posts with my oldest daughter.
So, good morning (or good afternoon if you are reading this in the afternoon). I would just like to give a special Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there who are reading this before we start. You are awesome and we all appreciate you.
Okay, so it’s hard to believe it’s almost the end of the school year. If next year goes as fast as this year, I’ll be in middle school, since I only have one and a half more days left of fourth grade. Fourth grade was one of my favorite grades (even though I say that every year). I will miss my teachers, who were awesome. But I’m also looking forward to fifth grade. And before fifth there’s summer, which’ll be really fun since we’re going to the Cape, to Portland (the one in Maine, not the one in Oregon), and probably to New York a lot. So, technically I have a very busy summer.
*Dad has been very busy with his writing. He usually writes while we are at school, so I don’t really know what he writes. What I do know is that not too long ago he got an assignment to write about almost all of the presidents, but otherwise, he never tells us what he’s writing about.
*Recently Dad has been going to a lot of comedy shows. Most of them are at night. He never tells us any of his jokes, which is sort of annoying, but I guess from what he says his jokes aren’t really for kids.
What I've Been Enjoying
*Lately I’ve been enjoying playing softball. My team, the Red Unicorns, made it to the playoffs, but we lost in the second round. We were a pretty good team. I love pitching and catching, and I think I’m a really good hitter. It was an awesome season.
*I love baseball and softball.
*I am obsessed with the Revolutionary War.
*I’m super hilarious. I think I inherited Dad’s “funny” genes, but for real.
*I love to read. I’m a book-human. (Get it? Book human? Bookworm?)
*I love writing.
*I’m ten and a half years old. Math problem: If I was born on October 2nd, and today is June 18, how many days until my birthday?
*Pigs are awesome.