Stay At Home Dad Week 2
For someone with nowhere to go…I’ve been wearing a tie an awful lot lately.
(Sunday Paper, Year V, Issue 13)
We did it!
Made it through another week with no school and everyone home together.
We even had snow one day and temperatures that neared 70 degrees another.
How did it go for you?
Feel free to comment on the post or the Facebook page and give me your highlights and lowlights.
Here are mine.
I’ve used my car like twice in the past two weeks. I think about my carbon footprint quite often - because I know I could probably do better than I do on average. But the past two weeks, man - I am definitely doing my part for the environment. We’ve been running the dishwasher more often, since everyone is eating at home all the time (that’s one of the situations where we could be doing better, on average), but we are certainly driving less. And that’s saving us a ton of gas money as well.
I’m working, and I’m lucky to be working, but every so often I think about how that can all fall apart really quickly and that’s a scary thing to think about. So far, so good for both of us…but I am no longer taking any work for granted.
(Oh. I guess I should mention this, and I’ll post about it elsewhere, too…But Narratively is doing something really nice - they are giving their writers 100% of the donations they receive through their stories. Remember that fainting piece I wrote for them? Well, if you were to read that and click the donate link at the end, that donation would go straight to me. That’s nice, isn’t it?)
After years of saying I should try yoga, I finally tried yoga.
I guess Peloton is offering a free trial right now, and Kathy is giving it a whirl. Turns out that the company is more than just bikes and anger-inducing commercials.
They have yoga classes and other options.
So last week Kathy did a yoga class and asked me if I wanted to join her.
It was a beginner class and seemed like the right opportunity to do my first-ever yoga, which was a new thing I’d been meaning to try for years.
Turns out I don’t much like yoga.
(I don’t know, maybe I can do it again and do OK. The class moved a bit fast for me - it wasn’t as beginner-y as I was led to believe. Also there was too much hanging upside down and letting the blood rush to my head. I didn’t like that.)
I had a really great idea for a GIF…
…I try not to think of life right now as an Avengers post-Infinity War world…but there are some parallels. So I made this ‘Endgame’ GIF that I’d been thinking about for a while and Opening Day seemed like the right time to unveil it, with the words: “What we talked about in the Sucich household today…”
It’s not a perfect GIF…but it is a pretty good one. In retrospect, it might have been better served as a meme.
Again, I want to end on a positive note so back-to-back lowlights: This was an even more disappointing week than last week. Sure, the NCAA Tournament would have been continuing this week, but it also was supposed to be MLB Opening Day on Thursday, and then the girls were supposed to do a dance at the Celtics game on Friday, and then on Saturday, we were going to go to New York to see my family…and Kathy and I were going to a Keane concert. All of that was wiped out…and is unlikely to be rescheduled. (Well, Opening Day will still happen but even still, that will be weird when it does happen.)
So that was not a great week.
Last week I told you I was thinking about a video series where I do a little lesson for kids…well, this week I started that. I took Monday to drop a quick preview, and then I posted on Tuesday, which was fine, and then Wednesday, which was better, and then Thursday and Friday, where I think I really hit a groove.
I’m looking forward to another week of those. If you haven’t seen it or thought about it here’s the deal: it’s something for the kids to do - it’s 20 minutes on a topic that they may or may not get in school, and I try to be entertaining, and I try to be educational, and it’s something that I can offer during this unusual time to try to help parents pass the time with their kids and to try to give kids something routine to check out. If you can’t catch it live (at 10 o’clock ET, though if there’s a better time for people I’m open to suggestions), the videos are archived to check out another time. I struggle with the right place to direct people - I think the YouTube channel is the best place to go, since that’s where I go live from all the time, though I have a pinned tweet and I’m going to pin the YouTube link to the Facebook page as well.
If you don’t already Like the Facebook page, you can do that by clicking here.
If you don’t already follow me on Twitter, you can do that here.
You can leave your experiences from the past week at either of those places…thanks to those of you who shared last week. It’s great to hear from people and to know that I’m not just shouting into the void.
I hope you’re managing through all of this. Again, if you need to reach out, I’m available by phone or text…and I’m getting pretty good at Zoom too.