Stay At Home Dad Week 3
A screen capture from Friday’s Field Trip Friday trip to the kitchen to make a smoothie.
(Sunday Paper, Year V, Issue 14)
Hey everyone.
I hope you’ve had a good week.
All things considered, I think we had a pretty good one over here.
I like doing these online lessons - they’ve certainly helped me structure my day…I hope they are doing the same for any of you watching them.
As a result, I don’t think I have any real lowlights worth mentioning….
…so here’s a week of highlights from my week at home.
*When all is said and done at the end of all this we will have watched quite a few movies. Last weekend we were a little undecided about what to watch - with Disney+ we have a bunch of choices. So I looked at our options and picked three movies - 101 Dalmatians, The Muppets, and Ratatouille, and we voted, ranking-style. The Muppets won, but it was almost more exciting to do the vote than to watch the movie. I’m looking forward to more movie votes. (Saturday night we did not have a vote but we did watch Onward. It wasn’t bad...but not exactly the best Pixar movie I’ve ever seen.)
*I got some yard work done this week - it was dry early in the week, pretty wet towards the end of the week. (So I don’t know how those bagged leaves will do getting to the pick-up at the curb in a couple of weeks with the rain making the bags soggy.) But there has been a decent balance of work, exercise, and yard work lately. We’ll see how long I can keep that up.
*We’ve used Zoom for family conversations and I’ve caught up with my friends that way too. I know Zoom has some issues, but it’s serving its purpose for me and helping me feel good and connected with people.
*I don’t think I’ll be giving up coffee while at home (nor do I want to) but I might cut down, specifically on the afternoon coffee. Kathy and I have been trying an afternoon tea - we’ll see if that keeps, or if I’m going to need more of an afternoon energy kick or not. So far, so good.
*On Wednesday we were going to have grilled cheese for lunch, and then I had the great idea to throw an egg in there with the cheese. I know I didn’t invent a sandwich here - I’ve had this before either at a Dunkin’ Donuts or at some kind of diner - but I’ve certainly never made this at home before. It’s the little things in a situation like this, folks.
*As I already mentioned, I have really enjoyed doing these on-line lessons. I think they’ve been pretty good, too. Here’s the YouTube site hosting all of them - don’t bother with the first two, if you’re looking to catch up. Start with Lesson 3, then watch away. They’ve been good. The Field Trip Fridays have been particularly fun. Tell your friends, tell your friends’ kids…I think they’ll enjoy them.
*Remember you can keep tabs on Twitter or by Liking the Facebook page. Thanks for following along there.
Hope your week went as smoothly as mine…feel free to share how yours was in the comments below, or on the Facebook page in the comments.
And I’m around, if you need someone to talk to or anything. We can Zoom.