The Kids Take Over, Part I, Year 5
Looks like this year’s picture theme will be pictures with the dog.
(Sunday Paper, Year VI, Issue 24)
It is June, which is when I usually take some time off from writing the Sunday Paper.
But as I say each year: like Bil Keane and ‘The Family Circus’, I like to let my kids take over while I take some time away from writing here.
So we kick that off this week.
My oldest daughter starts us off.
If you click here you can see what she wrote last year, and then from there you can link back to previous years if you keep clicking the respective links in the respective posts.
Here’s what she has to say this year.
Hi everyone! I think this is my 5th (???) Sunday Paper - which means I’ve written quite a lot of these at this point. This year has been really eventful, so I’m going to try to tell you what I’ve been up to in an organized fashion!
First off, life has gone (somewhat) back to normal. I’ve been able to see my friends on a more frequent basis, and I was able to play softball this spring (we won our first game last weekend yay!). I also got my vaccine! I got my second shot the other day - and although I had some not fun side effects, I’m glad I’m protected now. Oh, and I’ve gone back to in person school as well! It’s nice to be back, and to see my friends and teachers in real life after over a year of being home.
Speaking of school, I’m in my last year of middle school! Since I’m in eighth grade, I’ll be going into high school next year. I’m excited to see what high school brings, but I am a bit nervous since I don’t really know what to expect. I guess I’ll get back to you about that next year :)
If you know me, you know that I’ve been an avid bookworm throughout my life, and in this section I’ll usually share what I’ve been reading. Unfortunately, I have been in somewhat of a book slump recently :( However, I have read some really good books that have temporarily gotten me back into reading! I’ll share some of them here:
*American Royals - this book is a piece of fiction, and revolves around, well, the American Royals (what would have been if we didn't have a president). I think I’ve read this book about five times by now, it’s a book that I keep coming back to and it’s a book I get very attached to hahah :)
*The Song of Achilles - This book follows the Greek myth of Achilles, told through the perspective of Patroclus. It’s really beautifully written and definitely worth a read!
*The Invisible Life of Addie Larue - This book is really well-written and just keeps surprising me. Although I didn’t love the ending, it was still a good book!
*I’m 14 (I’ll be 15 in October)
*I had a bagel for breakfast this morning
*Tate is doing very well :)
*Dad is running the Boston Marathon! (not sure if he’s talked about it at all…) He’s very very very excited to be partnering with the Framingham History Center to raise money, so please consider donating at this link!