New Thing #269: Sharing History With My Daughters
I think I've told you before that I just love American history.
My daughters have picked up on some of that here and there - like showing an interest in some of the presidents and related trivia - but for the most part they're still a little too young.
For example, my favorite part of American history - the American Revolution - is still a little too far above their heads...and maybe too violent.
But I can't wait for them to be old enough to be really interested, because we live in a place that is so connected to all of that history and we can have some fun little day trips together.
On Saturday, I got a taste of what that might be like.
There's this show called Liberty's Kids which has been around for a decade at least (that's how long I've known about it, anyway) but I've never watched consistently.
I don't even know if they still make new episodes, or if they just show the same ones over and over.
Apparently, as I discovered on Saturday, it's on the local CBS station on Saturdays at noon. (And again at 12:30pm.)
Because it was a particularly busy week, and I couldn't sleep in on Saturday on account of the ballet class, I penciled in a nap around noon on Saturday, once my youngest daughter was down for her nap.
There was no good college football on TV to which I could fall asleep, and I happened to switch by Liberty's Kids. The older two girls seemed interested, and wanted me to leave it on. So I did.
They may have been the most exciting episodes ever - featuring April 18, 1775, with the titular kids helping Paul Revere and Billy Dawes alert the countryside that "The Regulars are coming out!", and April 19, 1775 with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Those may be my two favorite days in American history. (Followed closely by October 25 and 27, 1986, of course, when the Mets won Games 6 and 7 of the World Series.)
Anyway, I drifted in and out of sleep, but it didn't seem like the war scenes were terribly inappropriate for a 5-and-7-year old. There was a death shown, but it wasn't graphic or anything.
I definitely sensed engagement from my daughters...and they certainly made connections knowing they had been to both Concord and Lexington.
It makes me excited for the possibilities of a New Thing in 2015 or 2016 or so - when we can walk the Freedom Trail in Boston as a family.