Stay At Home Dad Week 12 - Stay At Home Middle Kid


(Sunday Paper, Year V, Issue 23)

As is the case every June, I’m taking a little time off and, a la ‘The Family Circus’, making like Bil Keane and handing the column over to the kids.

This first Sunday in June my middle daughter takes the reins.

You can find what she wrote last year at this link, and then from that link you can also connect to her previous posts.

This is Year 4 of the kids writing the Sunday Paper, and I know these are the favorite issues of a lot of readers.

So, without further ado, here’s my middle daughter’s post.


Hello, hola, bonjour, ciao, and guten tag to all of you. It’s me (again) and I’m doing the Sunday Paper today. During quarantine, I’ve actually been pretty busy, believe it or not. I’ve been doing a lot of arts and crafts, playing outside, and doing my remote learning schoolwork. My remote learning work is pretty fun, because I get to manage my time myself. I can do my ELA work, then play outside for a while, if I wanted. Usually, I do all of my schoolwork before I play. I start my work around nine o’clock, then I usually only get ELA (English Language Arts) and SEL (Social Emotional Learning) before lunch. I don’t get too much work, but it is enough to keep me busy. After I eat lunch, I will get the rest of my schoolwork done. I usually am done before two o’clock, but sometimes it takes longer. Also, my class does Google Meets every week, which is like a Zoom, but it isn’t a Zoom, if that makes sense. So my schedule varies, depending on when my Google Meets are.

I’ve been keeping in touch with my friends during quarantine, too. I have an app called Messenger Kids, which is basically a kid friendly version of Facebook’s Messenger. Messenger Kids is also made by Facebook, so it isn’t copyrighting. I talk with my friends on Messenger Kids often, and we sometimes call each other, using the Messenger Kids feature that is like FaceTime, but not FaceTime. A funny thing about Messenger Kids is that my sisters both have it as well. Sometimes we will have whole conversations when we are just a few rooms apart. I am very grateful that apps like Messenger Kids exist, because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to talk to any of my friends at all! Luckily, a lot of my friends have Messenger Kids, so I can talk with SO many of my friends.


Lately, I’ve been writing a lot. I found that I often have trouble getting deep into my stories, and I haven’t finished a story yet. So, then I had a genius idea. I was like, “What if I started writing a series for kids who are young?” because books for kids who are young are written in big font and aren’t that long. So I tried it out, and so far, the first book in that series is coming along great. I have also been writing books of all different genres: fantasy and realistic fiction. Okay, maybe I exaggerated when I said “of all different genres.” I like to write fantasy and realistic fiction because the characters can have adventures that would never really happen, or maybe the characters are completely normal. It gives me room to improvise.


Sometimes, when I am bored, I ask my Google Assistant on my Chromebook to tell me a joke. It is entertaining, but not at the same time. Some of the jokes that the Google Assistant says are, “Why won’t the shrimp share its treasure? Because it’s shellfish,” and “How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.” It is fun to do when I want a little laugh, but what really cracks me up is when I ask my Google Assistant to call me a funny name. I can always rely on my trusty Google Assistant to make me laugh.

What I’ve Been Enjoying

I’ve been enjoying the weather recently, because it has been so nice outside and I get to play. The other night, it was so nice outside that we ate dinner outside, and then we played outside and hung out outside past eight o’clock. I really enjoy the nice weather because it is fun to play outside, and everyone needs a break sometimes, so getting to go outside is fun. Plus, we just got a fire pit so we get to make s'mores a lot.


*I am 11 years old.

*I’m in fifth grade and going into sixth grade.

*I love to do puzzles and make my brain work.

*I recently read: When You Reach Me, by Rebecca Stead, Shouting at the Rain, by Linda Mullaly Hunt, and right now, I’m reading Sweep by Jonathan Auxier.

*I do many different types of dance: tap and ballet, to name a couple.

*The end.