The Kids Take Over Part I, Year 3
I guess my family likes using my new office.
(Sunday Paper, Year IV, Issue 23)
For the third year in a row in the month of June - the month in which we celebrate Father’s Day - the Sunday Paper guest posts will be anchored by my children.
We kick things off this year with my oldest daughter. (You may remember her from this post a year ago, or this one from two years ago.)
As you can see, there’s also a new theme for the accompanying pictures this year.
OK. Here’s my daughter:
Hi guys, it's me again!
This year I started middle school, which isn't as bad as people make it sound, but it's not super amazing either because, well, school.
Something that I have been looking forward to is getting a puppy. After a long time, we are getting one very soon. I'm super excited!!!!
Since everyone was making such a big deal about Endgame, we decided to start watching the Marvel movies. We are a little more than halfway done with the movies that are out, and I think that they are pretty good. I took a WhAt AvEnGeR aRe YoU quiz and I got Captain America.
That is fitting because Captain America is probably my favorite Avenger. In terms of a favorite movie, I liked Captain America: The First Avenger, but I also liked both Guardians of the Galaxy movies. Mostly because of Groot, but honestly, who doesn't like Groot?
*I haven't been doing a ton of writing lately, but I have written a few stories. One that I have made is Why the Chicken Crossed the Road: The Real Reason. It is a short story about a chicken named Bobert who is visiting his grandma, and has to cross a road with humans to get there. Then he becomes an internet star and the Why did the chicken cross the road? joke was born.
*Dad has been doing shows at the Exhibit A Brewery on the second Saturday of every month. I have not gone to any of his shows, but I’ve heard that they are very good. You should go check it out.
I have my own joke for you guys:
How did the bubblegum cross the road?
It got stuck to the chicken’s foot.
Haha I’m so funny :)
*Usually I give book recommendations here, so I’ll give a couple of books. I read The Fault In Our Stars, which was sad but super good. And Harry Potter is awesome, obviously. If you have any book recommendations for me, leave them in wherever the comment section is. If there is a comment section.
ANYWAY the thing I wanted to recommend to you is a What Type Of Potato Are You? quiz. I’m waffle fries! :)
Notes and Interests
*:D :’( :P :B :/ :) :O
*OwO UwU TvT
*Baby carrots are nice
*I’m 12. But sometimes it feels like I’m 90. I'm getting oldddddddd
*I started taking French this year, and I can say quite a few things. For example: Je suis une pomme de terre. (that means I am a potato)
*I still like pigs