The Kids Take Over, Part I, Year 6

(Sunday Paper, Year VII, Issue 23)

It’s June, and if you’re a regular reader of the Sunday Paper you know what that means:

It’s the month that I take some time away from the blog and hand the reins over to my children, a la Bil Keane and ‘The Family Circus’.

As always, I’ll include this link to last year’s post by this week’s author and from there you can go back through the previous year’s entries.

Who is this week’s author?

It’s my youngest daughter, pictured behind that stack of books there, and it’s appropriate that she gets things started, since June is a very exciting month for her.

It’s June! Woohoo! First off, let's see here, ah! Band! This year, since I’m in fifth grade, we get to be in band if we want. I wanted to, so I chose the flute. Now since it’s the end of the year, we’re having a performance. It’s in the school's Arts Night, where each grade performs something they’ve been working on. I don’t think they’ve ever really had an Arts Night, at least like this before. The people who don’t do band do ukuleles, so they will be performing their ukulele songs.

Next up, we have my birthday! My birthday is on June 21, which is also the day of the Fond Farewell at my school. The Fond Farewell is for the fifth graders, and it’s basically saying goodbye, since we’re going to middle school next year. This year, I’m turning 11 for my birthday.

Next year in middle school, I’m taking French as a language. I’ve actually been learning some French already, along with a few other languages, so I’m pretty prepared.

What I’ve Been Enjoying

Currently, I’ve been reading a lot, as always, and I have 27 books in my book stack, but that will probably change soon. (Either with more books or less.) I’ve also been drawing, and there’s been lots of improvement from 2021 and maybe 2020 too. So my days are pretty busy when you think about it, because I have to read and read more, not like I’m complaining, but it makes me busy in a kind of odd way since I have to read all those books, and since some are from the library or my classroom, they have due dates. (For the classroom books the due date is before the end of the school year…)

I’ve been going outside a little more often, and will go out more and more as it gets closer to summer, when there’s nice weather to go out in. I read outside and sometimes walk around the yard, exploring, doing nothing, running around, or playing with something. But most of the time I explore or read. It’s nice and quiet, except for the sounds of nature, birds chirping or calling out to family, other people in the neighborhood, etc. It’s peaceful and a nice place to go out and get some quiet time. Unless it’s a holiday with people hanging out outside, or your family is gathering outside. In that case, if you need a break, you might want to escape into the inside world…

Hey it’s John again just popping in to say that next week I’ll include the “What I’ve Been Enjoying” piece here to update you on my watching and listening so that I don’t have a mile-long list when I come back. In the meantime, you can keep tabs by Liking and following the social media links below: